Are you searching for what is an interview, and how to prepare for it? If YES! Here you can read all the information about different types of interviews and the information for their preparation.

There are four types of an interview;



  • Formal Interview
  • Informal Interview
  • Panel Interview
  • Telephonic Interview

When you enter the interview hall without preparation, you feel nervous. Before attending an interview, you will need to be well prepared to get the job. By collecting the information about the type of interview, you can get prepared for it in a better way.

Let’s start with what is an interview?

Organizations regularly conduct interviews for any vacant posts. Most interviews are for judging the capabilities of a person for the position a company is looking to appoint.

Telephonic Interview

In most cases, a company organizes a telephonic interview before calling a person for a physical interview. The purpose of a telephonic interview is to judge the aptitude of a person and suitability for the post.

Mostly a telephonic interview is conducted just for confirmation and general discussion. One advantage of a telephonic interview is that you have time to prepare for the physical interview. Sometimes, a company conducts a telephonic interview for a long-distance post or remote post.

When there is a telephonic interview, you will need to prepare for face to face interviews over the telephone. While you are giving a telephonic interview, ensure to talk unquestionably, Talk at a great pace, and answer all the questions.

Formal Interviews

A formal interview is a face-to-face meeting between you and the employer. In a formal interview, the employer decides whether you are suitable for the job or not. For a formal interview, you will need to dress appropriately and bring along all the educational certificates.

Informal Interview

Informal interviews are for judging a person’s personality. An informal interview is not conducted in an office because these are just casual sitting and talk. Sometimes informal interviews are conducted for future recruitment, not for a current job.

Panel Interviews

A panel interview is conducted in the form of a group. In a panel interview, the applicant answers questions from a group of HR department people.

Mostly, panel interviews are for hiring a candidate for a management level post. The purpose of a panel interview is to judge all the capabilities of a candidate from all aspects.

How to get ready for an interview?

Whatever type of interview you are going to attend, you will need to be ready for it. Here I am going to describe the most asked questions during any type of interview. You would need to find out the correct answers as per the nature of the job and your personality.

Answering these questions is not the same for everyone because everybody has his or her personality and needs.

  • Why you need this job?
  • How do you think you are an ideal person for this job?
  • What significant experience do you have for this job?
  • How are you keen on working for our organization?
  • If we select you, how can you add value to our organization?
  • What do you think about our organization?
  • Why did you like to work with us?
  • What are your expectations and necessities?
  • Why we select you for the organization?

Get ready for these questions and find answers for yourself. Be sure and stick to the point while answering the asked questions.